Monday, April 2, 2012


Inspiration can come from the littlest of things. Today, for my new story "Raised Amongst the Stacks" (Title may change) came from many things. First it came from the idea that wherever you go, you can and will run into mean people. Dozens upon dozens of authors get their inspiration from things like that, or the fact that there is always that single dot of hope in the glimmer of darkness (example in the third Maximum Ride book: Saving the World and other Extreme Sports written by the second best author in the world, James Patterson). You won't always be stuck in the same situation forever, so you might as well make the most of it, such as letting things that happen roll off your back.

Don't end up the bitter old man or woman living down the street because of one simple instance, just let it go and think what I like to think when things like that happen to me: One day, when you are at the top of the world (or in my case a best selling author) they will see you on the rickety television in the corner of the McDonalds in their petty little town and think: "Boy did I screw up."

Take a walk and look past your own doorstep, the world is much worse off in other places. I hate to sound cliche, but remember you will always have SOMEONE who will be kind to you and love you. As the AMAZING J.K. Rowling once said:

"Is 'fat' really the worst thing a human being can be? Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow', 'vain', 'boring' or 'cruel'? Not to me."

Sure, I wasn't called fat, but this quote taught me that there are much worse things than petty teenagers (I love how I'm saying that and I'm only twelve) and their shallow gossip. Thanks J.K. :)

~Be kind to those you meet on the way up, you may find them again on the way back down~
Stay amazing~

PS: I learned how to sword-fight today ;)


  1. Or you can step on them on the way up and kick them on the way down! (On second thought, don't listen to me!!) You are my amazing girl...


  2. Couldn't have been better said by . . . well, anyone else!!! I love you and am SO proud of your attitude and creed when it comes to the other. Keep it up love!

  3. Inspiring!!! Haha, the last part reminded me of Annie (of course) where we're on the desk & Mike is giving us that speech & stuff hahaha(: LOVE YA BBF!!!
