Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Book Review: Insurgent

First of all, INCREDIBLE book! Insurgent is the second book in the "Divergent" Series/Trilogy... Thing. I have no idea if it's going to be a series or trilogy. This book picks up right after the fight between Dauntless and Abnegation, though the Dauntless were under a simulation so technically it is a fight between the Erudite and Abnegation. Tris and Tobias and the gang that survived the attack (Uriah! WOOT WOOT!) are all currently residing in Amity H.Q. So that's how the book is begun. There ya go. *SPOILERS AHEAD*
 I think this book was great because you had NO idea what was going to happen. Like. At. All. I was praying the entire time that my favorite characters (Tris, Tobias, Uriah and Lynn.) were going to survive. There was so much action, and so much was learned about Tobias' past it just killed me. The Candor truth serum scene? OH. MY. FACTIONS. Amazingly done and amazingly written. I also loved how the new characters that were introduced (Hector/Hec, Evelyn, etc.) never once left your mind. Everyone, even the tiniest characters had so much importance! And woah. Tris' giving herself up to Jeanine/Erudite H.Q. was amazing. Tobias following her? Giving himself up to save her? AHHH!!! TO. MANY. FEELS. When she was in the simulation where she was strapped down onto the table and was watching Tobias kill himself to give her up even though he was still alive and watching her flipping out outside of the simulation? Wow. I give a trillion gold stars to Veronica Roth. I cannot wait for the next book and I'm sooo happy I convinced myself to read this book.

Do I suggest this book? Uh. Duh. Well, only if you've read Divergent.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sherlock and More!

Recently I have had quite a bit of stuff going on! So I FINALLY have something to blog about!!

First: I turned thirteen!! Yay! I am officially a teenager!.. Not sure how I feel about that. Moving on.

Second: I have decided to turn this blog into a mainly writing and reading blog. It will drive me to do more writing and such. Also, I will start doing book reviews on here so that way I can have a place to EXPLODE when Rick Riordan releases Mark of Athena and I read it in three or four hours. NICO. COME BACK TO MEEEE!!!! Ehem. Excuse me.

Third: Sound of Music is starting on Monday!! Which means I get to see a bunch of people I LOOOVE for about two months nearly everyday!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!

Fourth: This blog post has to be about something, so here is the actual post:


YAAAYYYY SHERLOCK!!! Booo Netflix >:(
Recently I have become interested in a show called: Sherlock!!! (See left)
Sherlock is basically a modernized version of Sir Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. the actors though! I think they are amazing (Martin Freeman!? NEW BILBO BAGGINS?!! Uh. Yes please.) and I find it frightening that I think a 36 year old British man is gorgeous. hehe. Excuse my fangirl. Benedict Cumberbatch! (Sherlock Holmes) YAYYYY!!! I have seen the first three episodes and dumb Netflix refuses to give me any more. >:( Any advice? Comment below!

Stay Lovely!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's 2 am and I cannot sleep....

I promised my friend, Mason, I would blog again. So here ya go, I suppose!

I cannot sleep. It is two am and I am the only one awake in my house. I have this idea that I really should blog and I decided that I would blog about just what ever pops into my head at the moment, because honestly all the writing I have been doing I am to worried to put it on here because I get easily embarrassed by the stupidest of things. I also worry that something think is good, adults and other people will think it is stupid and juvenile and I don't want that to happen. I am happy I am human and not a robot, because humans can emote and robot's can't. Except cool robots like the ones on Phineas and Ferb. I always worry people will think I am weird because I like that show and I am nearly thirteen and it is really made for little kids, but my friend Mason (the one who wanted me to post on here) watches it all the time and he is like three years older than me. We quote it and stuff because we are geeks and not afraid to admit it! WOOT WOOT! Also, I saw an amazing quote today by Walt Disney, that was about children being children and not worrying about what others should think of them. So go Walt Disney! I love rain. And Peace Tea. And sitting outside reading books with a flashlight at 10 o'clock at night. I love my friends. My best friends. Marlowe and Kennedy. I love being weird, but sometimes I think people think I should be put in a mental institution. Hehe. Just a slight reminder this is what goes through my head at two am in the morning. I apologize for not putting the dots in between the two words (am), alas I am sometimes lazy like that. I am also a speed typer, and I don't like typing things that will slow me down, like two periods that abbreviate the two words ante meridiem. Ante means before and meridiem means noon. Which makes sense. There is a moth sitting in the lamp by the bookshelf and it is just sitting there. I wonder if it is sleeping. Do moths have families? Do they go back to a hive or colony or something? Do they have names? Can moth's name each other with their secret moth language.... What about dolphins? I wonder if they have names.... I mean names they give themselves not cheesy names like Dolphiny or Dolly that we give them. I'm gonna name this moth Ted. I hope it is a boy, because if it is a girl or some kind of fancy moth gender that I don't know about it may get offended. Sorry in advance if I offend you, Ted. I just found a way to edit your boards on Pinterest, which makes me happy because I made a board but I spelled something wrong and I didn't know how to change it. I was sort of ashamed of it so I never posted anything in it and it was just sitting there, mocking me. Until I deleted it just a few seconds ago. My back hurts. I got this amazing hand sanitizer today called, "Panda Pear." Get it!? Because it sounds like Panda BEAR but it smells like PEAR so they made it sound the same. I thought it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I want these really awesome shoes my mum got in Prague/Berlin. They are amazing. But I don't know what they are called. I love everything about Europe. One Direction, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Rain, Time Riders, Big Ben, Paris, London, Ireland, England, Bookstores on Every corner, Little Towns where you can get to know anyone in a matter of minutes. I think I'm over emphasizing it a bit, but still. That's where I want to be 24/7. There is this really cool stapler sitting next to me and it is like.... clear. It's beast. I'm very worried I am throwing grammar out the window on this blog post, so please forgive me if you find any typo's. Reminder! It is 2:18 am and I am extremely bored and I am just kind of typing and seeing how this all ends up. At least I am not typing like this: hie gui$e,,,, iit-$ lIvI $t......Peter. I don't like it when people type like that. Then I get confused. Niall Horan's twitcam didn't work earlier. It made me extremely sad. There is this awesome tumblr blog called (i think) and it is epic. Go look at it. I am the creeper who gets on tumblr but doesn't have a tumblr. Ted is still sitting there. I think Ted is dead. I think you are an amazing person if you have read this entire thing. I am an extremely boring person, yet I am also hilariously random. So it is kind of funny in a not funny way if you think about it. I think Ted might have a daughter. I think he'd be the type of moth who'd have a daughter. Let's name her.... Stapler. But all of her friends call her Stape, and she is an amazing moth who loves to cook for her father, Ted. She also has a lot of friends, and her best friend is Scissors. But don't be confused, they are moths.  I really want a pancake. The only thing I really know how to do on this blog is blog.... I don't understand "Labels" and "Schedules". I gotta get back to Hogwarts. I gotta get back to schoooooool. Back to witches and wizards and magical beasts. Goblins and ghosts and magical feasts. It's all that I love and it's all that I need at Hogwarts. Hogwarts. HAHA. I'm gonna go now. I need to throw away my water bottle and read Sister's Grimm. Bye for now.


PS: Reminder! This was a totally random blog that had really now flow to it. At all.

PSS: Ted and Staple are fine. Bye.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Poetry is on the way!

Yo! I'm sorry I haven't really "upheld" my promise to try and blog every week, considering the fact that I totally forgot about this old thing last week. But I have some new poetry on the way, and I have a bit of news so just listen to how life has been the last few weeks!

Well, I recently had to re audition for dance troupe, and I made it! I'm really excited for next year, and I think it's going to be really exciting. Here are the list of people who made it: Maggie, Sharice, Emily, Channing, Isys, Daphanie, Lizzie, Mikayla, and yours truly. I hope we keep our uniforms from this year, or at least just switch tops and poms, because they cost a ton!

I got an Instagram and I would appreciate it if you followed me! I'm: bookworm08. My profile picture is of Chris and me and I'm holding up a folder thing. I'm gonna post on Versagram the blog link so hopefully more people will come and read my stuff. I have about 30 followers as of now, and it's really fun and cool. It only works on smart-phones and iPad's, so if you don't have an IG feel free to get one, because they really are fun. I'm really unhealthily obsessed. Enough said.

I started a new series this week!!! It's the "Graceling" series, following Katsa and her friend Po. Set in medieval times, Katsa is trying to figure out what to do with her power of killing. Her uncle, King Randa, uses her as his "thug" and sends her to the other lands in the Middluns to hurt or maime the other lords who don't listen to his commands. It's really good, but it's got a lot of violence in it....

I've got to go now, I'm in english again and the bell is about to ring!!! Who's got INTENSE summer fever? LIVI!!!!

-Summer in 4 days-

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Poetry, English Class Blogging!

Here I am, blogging in English class. Many of us had to finish a SUPER hard English quiz online (only missed four!!), and when I was done I asked her if I could blog. She said okay, because she is awesome that way. Chris is sitting next to me, trying to prove to his brother he can type a whole paper on riots in history, and I'm writing poetry on a word document. Miranda is to my right, reading the last book in The Skinjacker Trilogy, on my request. She brought it in from the library and I started freaking out... She looked at me like I was insane, which, on occasion, I am.

I know, I am a terrible person for not blogging, and I really should be, but our computer is stupid and decides to disconnect from the internet everytime I try to get on it. Thankfully, not much exciting stuff has happened. I cleaned my room, which I suppose is a pretty good accomplishment- no. I lied, my mom cleaned it while I was in Amarillo on a choir trip. We ranked highest in our region! Take that Hutch!! (aka our rival school). We had our dance recital last night, and I was in five of the ten dances, which I must admit makes me really worn out. The left and right sides of my brain are battling each other, so I feel weird, and I have an outrageous headache, so sorry if this isn't that interesting.

Last night, me and this dude Lucas were having a poetry battle over e-mail, because we are to cool for texting (Maybe). Here is my favorite poem out of six that I came up with in five minutes: (Haven't thought up a title. Suggest some in the comment box?)

A wink from his searing blue eyes,
A glint from his glasses.
A flip of her rosy red hair,
A laugh escaping her lips.

A suggestion of a good book,
A smile after a storm of peaches.
A solo escaping his throat,
A squeak of his saxophone.

My four best friends.
This is how they create my life.
This is how it is joyous.
This is how I stay whole.

In the first stanza the order goes: Chris, Lucas, Kennedy, Marlowe. In the second stanza the order is: Marlowe, Kennedy (If you read this do you get the inside joke?? :D), Chris, Lucas.

Rachel just dropped a laptop, and mine just made the loudest beeping noise ever, while everyone is taking tests. I told you computers hate me!

I have to go, we only have about ten minutes before I have to go dance.

Stay amazing,

Friday, April 6, 2012

Exciting Stuff, Ya'll!

Alright, I promised I would post some NEW YORK CITY pictures so here are a few of them!!!!

New York City was flippin amazing. I really cannot describe it in words so I suppose I'll just post pictures:

Just off my first plane ride since I was three! Decided to rock the braids in honor of the SUPERCALL Hunger Games!!
New York Times HQ!!
Soooo, we went to Planet Hollywood and they gave us a $5 off coupon and this kinda nasty black and white cookie. I sat with Aaron and his visa card was being weird so he dragged me down like 5 flights of stairs (I was in HEELS.) and got a $3 pen in the gift shop just to make sure it was still working. Then when we got back up there he told me I could keep it.... it was an interesting experience!!
UM. I SAW THIS IN TIMES SQUARE AND STARTED FREAKING OUT. People started staring at me like I was insane, so I just decided to take a picture and capture the incredibly supercall moment... Then I looked up and the rest of the group was walking away from me so I had to run.... Through Times Square. In heels. ;D
This is me before going in to see Mary Poppins on broadway! (Those are the heels I keep talking about, they hurt. A lot.) I seriously had to push little kids out of the way so I could get this picture... Haha just kidding! Just kidding! The show was alright, the little girl who played Jane didn't have a very good accent so she would either shout her lines really loudly or whisper them so quietly you couldn't hear her.... The little boy was alright, and Mary and Bert were GREAT. I would say more, but my BBF may see it in NYC next year and I don't want to ruin it ;)
These were my fantastic roomies, Makayla A. Channing H. Isys V. Hannah K. and moi! (I look terrible in this picture though, so just imagine a stick figure where I am standing ;))
There was this little figure of Pikachu in the Nintendo store, and we all went insane wanting to get picture. So, I went around the rest of the day saying I ment Pikachu.... Because I am a nerd that way :D
When we went to Radio City, we got to go onto the stage, where THE GRAMMYS HAD HAPPENED JUST A FEW WEEKS AGO!! It's apparently really rare for a tour group to get to go up there, and they only allow it like 5 times a year. So we got CRAZY lucky. It was breath-taking and exhilarating....
I got to meet a Rockette! I think her name was Lauren, but I don't really remember. . . . She was really nice and I felt short standing next to her....
This was an Abercrombie model!! There were two others outside, but it was cold so they had shirts on.... My mom was being a weirdo and asking them questions like: How often do you all take your shirts off? Is their a rotation?

So, next let us talk about something extremely amazing: THE HUNGER GAMES MIDNIGHT PREMIER! I went with my SUPACALL BBF Kennedy and got approximatly two hours of sleep, but it was totally worth it.

Well, me and Kennedy had made shirts:

OH yeshh!!!

And they were amazing. So when we got there we though the line wasn't going to be that bad... Boy were we wrong. It wrapped all the way around the building like a snake, and we ended up sitting by the dumpsters :/ But thankfully my neighbor was next to us!! So, Kennedy had to print out her ticket at "the kiosk" (I love that word) so we dropped our stuff off with my mom and ran up to "the kiosk" (hehehe). She entered her little code thing and it said it was "invalid" so we went up to the lady at "the FRONT kiosk" and asked her what was wrong and said that the ticket wasn't for this movie theatre it was for another one. So we both just kinda stood their not knowing what to do, and tried to get the lady to be nice and just give us a ticket because Kennedy paid for it, but obviously that didn't happen. So we started slugging back behind the building when we see our friend Mrs. Leslie Rundell! She's seriously only like five people from the door, and asks us where we are sitting. When we tell her we are crazy far from the front she's all: Well just come sit with us! So hoping we won't get mauled by evil teenagers mad at us for getting in front of them, we go all ninja and try to get up there as inconspicuously as possible. Putting our stuff down we finally decide to address the fact we don't know what to do about the whole ticket crisis. Mrs. Rundell has a smartphone, so we get onto Kennedy's e-mail and see if we got the conformation number right, and it turns out she bought a ticket for Harligen, Texas.... Which is like down by the Rio Grande... We begin to freak out and not know what to do until Mrs. Rundell says: "My friend has an extra ticket!" And she gives it to Kennedy. Like, no charge. So now we consider those two our saviors. Then, we just sat down for two hours outside on these weird stair things leading up to a door that goes who know's where (did I mention we got there at 8:30, for a MIDNIGHT showing?), talking about my NYC trip, her Louisiana trip, dance, LMM, and a bunch of other stuff really loudly. Finally they started letting us in at 10:30, and because Mrs. Rundell is amazing, we got really good seats because we were near the front of the line. Seriously, they were smack dab in the middle of the theatre. Perfection. Our showing didn't start until 12:20 even though it was supposed to start at 12:02 because the projector was being stupid, it was really nerve-wracking to hear the movie pounding in the theatre next to us, while we were having "technical difficulties". It finally started though, and I freaked out when I saw Josh Hutcherson, cried along with Katniss when Rue died, and loved it when Clove (my favorite bad guy tribute of the movie) attacked Katniss at the feast. I cannot wait for Catching Fire :D




Monday, April 2, 2012


Inspiration can come from the littlest of things. Today, for my new story "Raised Amongst the Stacks" (Title may change) came from many things. First it came from the idea that wherever you go, you can and will run into mean people. Dozens upon dozens of authors get their inspiration from things like that, or the fact that there is always that single dot of hope in the glimmer of darkness (example in the third Maximum Ride book: Saving the World and other Extreme Sports written by the second best author in the world, James Patterson). You won't always be stuck in the same situation forever, so you might as well make the most of it, such as letting things that happen roll off your back.

Don't end up the bitter old man or woman living down the street because of one simple instance, just let it go and think what I like to think when things like that happen to me: One day, when you are at the top of the world (or in my case a best selling author) they will see you on the rickety television in the corner of the McDonalds in their petty little town and think: "Boy did I screw up."

Take a walk and look past your own doorstep, the world is much worse off in other places. I hate to sound cliche, but remember you will always have SOMEONE who will be kind to you and love you. As the AMAZING J.K. Rowling once said:

"Is 'fat' really the worst thing a human being can be? Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow', 'vain', 'boring' or 'cruel'? Not to me."

Sure, I wasn't called fat, but this quote taught me that there are much worse things than petty teenagers (I love how I'm saying that and I'm only twelve) and their shallow gossip. Thanks J.K. :)

~Be kind to those you meet on the way up, you may find them again on the way back down~
Stay amazing~

PS: I learned how to sword-fight today ;)