1. Neal Shusterman-
So this guy is the most amazing author in the world, atleast through my eyes. I read any of his books I can get my hands on, and he is the greatest. I have raved about his books (The Skinjacker Trilogy, Bruiser, The Schwa Was Here etc.) and I am so excited for Challenger Deep to come out! Also, Unwind (One of his best) is being made into a movie, which I will see with some of my friends when it comes out! I love him SO much, and he is my favorite thing ever.
2. The Hunger Games-
I am obsessed with The Hunger Games trilogy! I love love love the characters (especially Peeta Mellark) and how Katniss fights for what she believes in! (Unlike that annoying Bella character from Twilight, a series I despise.) I am seeing the movie (25 days!) at midnight with my BBF Kennedy Reeves, and apparently they are handing out pins? I dunno, but I really hope they do >:)
3. Smashbook's-
This is me and my Smashbook I got on Saturday! It's the "Simple Style" and it's really cool. They are kinda like scrapbooks, but simpler. You can put anything you want in there! It comes with accesories and things you can buy to make it all fancy! Made by k&company, they are really great for just about anyone.
4. The Civil Wars-
This is a band of two people (John-Paul White and Joy Williams), a piano, and a guitar. I love their music, especially these songs: Poison & Wine, Barton Hollow, and C'est la Mort. They won two Grammy's and were the opening act for Taylor Swift when she preformed there. They also were featured in Safe & Sound from the Hunger Games soundtrack, that's where I first heard about them. Their music is kind of folk/country, but it doesn't sound like regular country songs. It's somewhat confusing, but I love them a lot ;)
5. Adele-
I really don't care what anyone else says about Adele, she is marvelous. She knows exactly who she is and has a ton of talent. She also isn't afraid to show what she's thinking at all, and she is also just downright beautiful. Her music is amazing, and I think she is one of the best singers out there! -give me a fangirl moment- I love you Adele!! -done- ;)
So yes, these are a few of my favorite things! (Notice The Sound of Music reference there?) Well, there you have it!
Thanks for reading,
Livi <3